Volume 4, Issue 5 (2023)
Original Articles
Comparison between Forceps, Single Blade Forceps and Manual Extraction of Fetal Head in Elective Caesarean Section: A Randomized Control Trial-Forceps Delivery in Cesarean Section
Abdelrahim Mohamed Abdelrahim, Ibrahim Abdelhamid Abousekein, and Hosam Eldin Mohamad Alazazy
Cardiac function during weaning failure: the role of systolic & diastolic dysfunction
Amr Adel Elfar, Atef Abo-elfetouh Ibrahim, Ahmed Mohammed Abo-hassan, Taiseer Ahmed Shawky, Wael Mohammed atia, and Mahmoud Abd-Allatif Hashish
Clinical outcome of corpus callosotmy for management of drug resistant epilepsy
Islam Magdy Ali Ibrahim, Mamoun abo shosha, and Mohamed Meligy Rabea Hamed
Hypothyroidism in women with polycystic ovary disease
Ahmed Mahmoud Helal Mahmoud, Mohamed Mohamed Gebril, and Eslam Elsaid Kamal
Maternal Anemia and Fetal Doppler Indices in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Mohamed Abu-Elfadle Mostafa, Abd El-Monem Mohamed Zakaria, and Ahmed Mohamed Saeed
The Role of Insulin Resistance in the Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Cirrhotic non-Diabetic patients
Abdelhaleim Abdelghany Hasabo, Mahmoud Osama Ahmed Abd El Fatah, Mohamed Basiouny Yahia, and Gamal Zakaria Ali Morsy
Pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus treated with insulin versus insulin combined with metformin
Abdel Monem Mohammed Zakareya, Ahmed Mohammed Saeed, and Mostafa Mohammed Rady
Sleep abnormalities in a sample of Egyptian patients with chronic pain
Kamel M. Hewedi, Mohamed M. Elsheikh, Mohamed H. Rashad, and Mahmoud S. Attia
Efficacy of micropulse (subthreshold) argon laser trabeculoplasty in primary open angle glaucoma
Mohamed Fayez Saady, Sayed Abbas Sayed, and Anas Malek Ibrahim
Relation between Fetal Doppler Indices in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia at or above 34 Weeks of Gestation and Neonatal Outcomes
Mohammed Mohammed Gebril, Ahmed Mohammed El Sadek, and Mohammed Adel Mostafa
Total Thyroidectomy In The Management Of Graves' Disease
Mahamoud Mohamed Abo El yazed, Adel Mohammad Abdul-Haleim Lasheen, Abdella Nazeer Yasieno, Abd Elnaby Saeid Ismaiel, and Mohammed Ibrahim Hassan Rashed
Assessment of retinal ganglion cell complex thickness in diabetic patients before and after intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF agents by OCT
Mahmoud AbdAlhaleem Rabie, Ahmed Mohammed Sobhy, and Ahmed Mustafa Mahmoud Mohammed
The role of Combined cardiac and lung ultrasound in acute respiratory distress Running title: cardiac and lung ultrasound and respiratory distress
Hossam Hassan Shahba, Ahmed Mohammed Salah El-Din Ahmed Al-Habbaa, Ahmed Mohammed Ali Ewis, and Gamal Ali Badr
Evaluation of the Role of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Prior to Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Helaly Boray Ahmed Ibrahiem, Ahmed Ibrahim Shehata Kawashty, and Osama Othman Aly Khalil
Surgical management of female breast cancer patients after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for infiltrating duct carcinoma
Saif El-Din Mahmoud El-Soudani, Mohamed Abdel Fattah Imam, and Osama El-Said Abdallah Mohammed
Insulin Resistance and Level of Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Nondiabetic Healthy Adults
Abu-Amer Ahmed Mohamed, Zakaria Mohamed, Gamal Abdel-Hamid Mohammed, Ismail Bastawy Mahmoud, and Abu-El Hassan Ahmed Abdel-Aleem Masood
Prophylactic cholecystectomy during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy operation
Mohamed Sobhy Teama, Abdelhafez Abdelaziz Selim, and Ahmed Hamdy Ahmed Elwakedy
Safety and Efficiency of Wide-Awake Local Anaesthetic No Tourniquet (WALANT) in Hand Surgery
Mubarak Hemdan Thabet, Samy Abd Elsattar Eleowa, and Kallad Mohamed Abd Elfattah Sholkamy
Causes of Early Deterioration of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Inside Intensive Care Units
Sayed A. El-Zayat, Ahmed A. Nem, Mahmoud G. Ahmed, and Mohammed A. Mohamed
Accuracy of Ultrasound in the diagnosis of Lateral and Posterior invasion in patients with placenta accreta spectrum disorders
Yousef Elsheshtawy Elsheshtawy Salama, Abd El-Moneim Mohamed Zakaria, and Yasser Mohamed Said Kamel Diab
Deep sclerectomy versus trabeculectomy assisted with mitomycin c in management of primary open angle glaucoma.
Ramadan Mohamed Abdel Rahman Mostafa, Hisham Fawzy Khalil, and Ahmed Gomaa El Mahdy
Early versus late silicone oil removal after pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Mohammed Abdel-Ghaffar El-Haw, Hisham Fawzy Khalil, Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed, and Sayed Mustafa El-Sayed
Tear film changes after Autologous Serum In Managment of Dry Eye using ocular surface analyser
Mohamed Khedr Mohamed, Mostafa Elsayed Elewa, and Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Alashmawi
Comparative study between subthreshold (micropulse) laser direct application to the edematous macula versus direct application to the peripheral healthy retina in the treatment of diabetic macular edema.
Eslam Mahmoud Abdou Alharif, Hamed Nasr El-din Taha, and Mohamed Abdulbadie Rashed
The Impact of Sequential Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting on the Early Clinical Outcome
Zakaria Mostafa El Mashtoly, Mohamed Hussieny Mahmoud, Tarek Zaghlol Mohamed, and Mahmoud Mohamed EL-Damanhory
Continuous versus Intermittent Oxytocin Infusion throughout the Active Phase of Labor: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Mohammed Mohammed Gebreil, Ahmed Muhamed Ahmed Abdelmoaty, and Hany Mahrous Elsayed Mansour
Does the Hypothetical Aetiology Affect the Response to Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Local Anesthetics Therapies in Patients with Primary Premature Ejaculation? A Prospective, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study
AbdulHakeem Bayomy AbdulNaeem Shahat, Hasan Ismail Mohammed, and Mohammed Abdallah Hindawy
Role of ultrasonography for diagnosis of pediatric acute abdominal pain
Mahmoud Kadry Elgendy, Mohammed Abo Elnaga Mohammed, and Mohammed A. Abd Elghaffar
Role of Epithelial Mapping in Differentiation Between Early Keratoconus And High Regular Astigmatism Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography
Mustafa Muhammed Badawi, Ahmed Salah Abdel Rehim, and Abdel Ghany Ali El Gabbar
Self-Expanding Versus Balloon-Expandable Stents for treatment of Iliac Artery Occlusive Disease
Mahsoub Mourad Amin, Mohammed Alsagher Alhewy, and Ahmed Abbas Neaz
Correlation of Tei Index Assessed by Different Echocardiographic Methods in Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction Receiving Different Reperfusion Treatment in comparison with EF and diastolic function
Mahmoud Elsayed Nofal, Abdelhamid Esmail Abdelhamid, and Mohamed Hesham Hassan Ezzat
Role of Transient Elastography (Fibroscan) in Early prediction of Hepatitis C Virus Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Mohammed N. Abou Hia Allah, Ashraf O. Abdelaziz, Mohammed H. Al-Nadry, Walid M. Gomaa, Mohamed M. Abdel-Halim, Mohamed M. Nabeel, Tamer M. elbaz, Rania Lithy, Ahmed hosni Abdelmaksoud, and Hend I. Shousha
A Comparative study of the effects of clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen, and letrozole on endometrial thickness during ovulation induction
Abdel Monem Mohammed Zakareya, Ahmed Mohammed Saeed, and Ahmed Ibraheam Ali Taalab
Thyroid volume and echogenicity by ultrasound in Obese type 2 DM patients
Omar Mostafa Abo Emara, Abdellah Nazeer yassen, Hossam Eladl Eladl, Amr Ahmed Rezk, and Gamal A Badr
Role of Buccinator myomucosal flap in primary repair of cleft palate: Systematic review
Mohamed Abdo Ali, Magdy ahmed Abdal moktader, Osama abdel Reheem Elshhat, and Khallad Mohamed Abd Elfattah Sholkamy