
Document Type

Original Article


Background; One of the biggest issues facing public health is obesity. The World Health Organization considers obesity to be an epidemic in developed nations and is concerned about the toll it has on people's health, healthcare systems, and economies in general, Aim and objectives: This prospective case control study's objective was to assess the frequency of cholelithiasis after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients who were morbidly obese and had no prior history of calcular cholecystitis. Patient and methods: This study a prospective case control study was carried on 100 patients with morbid obesity admitted to alazhar university hospitals and damanhour hospital. Result; all the patients (100%) discharged in day 1 after the operation. Follow up, of the cases of group B, 6 months after surgery by abdominal ultrasonography revealed that 4 patients (8%) out of the 50 patients have single gall bladder stone but only one of them (2%) is complaining and needs laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Conclusion; Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is frequently performed as a definitive bariatric procedure worldwide. Prophylactic cholecystectomy during LSG when gallstones are absent is unnecessary, as it easier to perform cholecystectomy and remove of the gall bladder after losing some weight.


gastrectomy; cholecystectomy; Obesity; bariatric; cholelithiasis and gall bladder stone.

Subject Area

General Surgery
