
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Infertility is described as married couple's incapability to conceive in 1 year despite regular marital life. This issue affects ten-fifteen percent of married couples worldwide, Aim: research's goal is to compare the effects of three drugs used to induce ovulation: clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen, & letrozole. Regarding: Impact on endometrial blood flow. Impact on endometrial thickness in females with anovulatory infertility. Subject & Methods: The study had been carried out in Al Hussin Maternity Hospital and Military Production Specialized Hospital. Studied cases were drawn from our studied case infertility clinic. Results: Endometrial thickness, endometrial PI, and endometrial RI differ significantly among the 3 groups (p


clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen & letrozole, endometrial thickness, induction of ovulation

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
