Volume 4, Issue 3 (2023)
Original Articles
Role of simple cruroplasty in non-GERD morbid obese patients submitted to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Mohammed Mohsen Ibraheem Khalil, Essam Eldeen Abdel Azeem Zayed, and Mohammed Abd Al-Fattah
Ibrahim Aboulfotoh Mohamed, Emad Ads Elewesy, and Ahmed Saad El Sayed Saad
Study Intelligence Quotient among Sample of Children Suffering from Cleft Lip and palate & Hypospadias attending Pediatric Surgery Clinic in Al-Hussien Hospital
Mostafa Ahmed Mohamed Shehata, Hesham Abuhegazy, and Mohamed Mahmoud Hamouda
Role of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in evaluation of hemodialysis AV fistula
Ahmed Abd-Elfattah Mahmoud Abou-Rashed, Mohamed Hasan Tawfik, Hazem Sayed Ahmed Ayoub, and Abdelrahman Ahmed Mohamed Elazhari
Peripapillary Choroidal Thickness Measurement in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Patients Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Hassan Abd ElWahab Ali, Ahmed Gomaa Almahdy, and Mohamed Essam Abd Elazeem Abo Zaid
The correlation between Intra-abdominal Adhesions and body mass index in Women Undergoing elective repeated Cesarean Section
Mostafa Mahmoud Mohamed, Adel Aly Elboghdady, and Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed
Significance of echogenic amniotic fluid at term pregnancy and its association with meconium
Mahmoud Farouk Meda, Ehab Mohamed Elhelw, and Hossam Elsayed Elsaed Hamed
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: The Art of Driving
Alhusain Nagm
Evaluation of Pattern of Relapse in Luminal Breast Cancer
Mohamed Ahmed Abdelaziz, Eslam Mohamed Ebrahim, and Mohsen Salah El-Din Zikry
Toxicity Profile of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Vs. 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy in Head and neck cancer: A Retrospective study
Mahmoud Elsayed Abo Alazm, Hassan Khaled Hamdy, and Hesham Abbas Al-Abady
Evaluation of Negative Appendectomy Rate with Preoperative Computed Tomography and Ultrasonography
Mohamed Sobhy Teamah, Abdel Fattah Morsi saeid Mohamed, and Hany Mohammed Ahmed Morsi
Comparative study between Nano-surface Polyzene F and drug eluting stents in acute coronary syndrome patients with one-month dual antiplatelet therapy: Immediate and one-year clinical outcome.
Hazem Arnous, Mamdouh Eltahhan, Taghreed Ahmad, Ahmad Fahmy, and Mansour . Sallam
Removal of Benign Conjunctival Naevus by Argon Laser Photocoagulation compared to Surgical Excision
Ahmed Mohamed Raafat Tawfik
Relation between serum zinc and Erythropoietin responsiveness in prevalent Hemodialysis patients
Safwat Farrag Ahmed, El-Said Mohamed Rashed, Hala Ibrahim Mohamed, and Mahmoud Mohamed Al-Shahat EL-Hussieny
Role of saline irrigation of subcutaneous tissue to reduce wound infection in cesarean section in obese women
Ashraf Hamdy Mohamed, Ahmed Taha Abd El-fatah, and Mohamed Sayed Ahmed Kasem
Evaluation of Transpedicular Screws Fixation with Posterior Interbody Fusion by Cage in Management of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis
Ibrahim Gamil Ewiss, Ahmed Ibrahim Rewehy, and Kamal Abdul-Malik Ali Mohamed
One-stent Versus Two-stent Techniques for Unprotected Distal Left Main Bifurcational Lesions: Early and Late Outcomes
Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Eid, Mamdouh Helmy Altahan, Mostfa Ibrahim Mokarrab, Ibrahim Abd Alfattah Yassin, and Shady Mohammed Hassan Mansy
Evaluation of Subfoveal Choroidal Thikness in Patients with Posterior Uveitis
Abd Elkader Sayed Abd Elkader, Sayed Mostafa Elsayed Abd Elhafeez, and Hosam Gamal Mohamed
Blastocystis species prevalence and associated patient characteristics as predictors among a cohort of symptomatic and asymptomatic Egyptians
Gamal ali Abu sheishaa, Haitham KH Ahmad, Khairy Abdelhameed, and Nasr eldin Ali
Combined Fetal Pulmonary Artery Doppler and Proximal Humeral Ossification center for prediction of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome at term: a Cohort Prospective Study
Farid A. Kassab, Khaled Zakaria Elsheikha, Rania Refaat Ramadan, and Mohamed Adel Mohamed Kamal El Din
Evaluation of corneal endothelial cell changes in diabetic patients after phacoemulsification surgery
Eman Nagy Ahmed El-saied; Heba Mahmoud Abd Elrahman; Nour El-din Abd El-Hamid Abd El-Halim; Ahmed Shafeek Abdullah; and Nashwa Mohamed Lamey, professorof ophthalmology, faculty of medicine for girls, Alzahraa university hospital. Egypt
Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Reserve in Diabetic Patients by Stress Echocardiography
Ali Abdullah Alseenmy, Wael Mohamed Attia, Hani Abdel Shafook Khalaf, and Fouad Rafik Amin
Comparative Study Between Iliac Bone Grafting verses Latarjet Procedure For Surgical Management Of Anterior Shoulder Instability With Glenoid Bone defect
Ibrahim ahmed hussine, Emad Mohamed Zayid, and Mahmoud Salah Tork
C-Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin in Predicting Treatment Failure in Community Acquired Pneumonia
Therese Sobhy Ghatas and Moheb Wadea Elfaizy
Diagnostic Utility of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Complementary to Ultrasound in Therapeutic Management of Borderline Ovarian Masses
Hala . Maghraby Sherif and Hagar Abdelgawad Magdy
The Precise -Dapt Score As A Predictor of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy In Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Undergoing Per Cutaneous Coronary Intervention
Ahmed Mongy ELhashash, Ebrahim Faragallah Said, and Ali Mohammed Alamin Abd
Treatment Outcome in Non-Metastatic Gastric Cancer “A Retrospective Study “
Alaa Mahfouz Mahmoud Abd Elaziz, Ahmed Yousry Elagmawi, and Sherif Mohamed Azzam
Assessment of Right Ventricular Function by 2D Transthoracic Echocardiography in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patient in Correlation with CT Pulmonary Angiographic Findings
Yasser Abd Aljalil Omar, Ahmed Ali Faheem Abdo, and Ahmed Hameed Edress
Comparative study between Harmonic scalpel, bipolar forceps Diathermy and Classic suture ligation in total thyroidectomy
Mohamed Ahmed Saeed, Marwan Mansour Mohamed, and Mostafa Mohamed Abd El-Monem Roshdy
Role of Conventional and Diffusion weighted MRI in Diagnosis of Female Pelvic Masses
Mahmoud Mohamed Abd Elhameed, Mokhtar Ragab Ramadan, and Wafeek Ibrahim Ali
Short Segment versus Long Segment Pedicle Screws Fixation in Management of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures
Shehab El-khadarway, Adel Ragab, and Massoud Mahmoud Mostafa
Role of Threatened Abortion in Development of Premature Rupture of Membrane and its effect on Fetal Growth
Fahd Abd Elaal El Omda, Ahmed Mohamed Saeed, and Ashraf Salah Abd-Allah
Role of Subcutaneous Suction Drain in Prevention of Wound Complications after Elective Abdominal Surgery
Adel Mohammad Abdulhaliem Lasheen, Mohamed Ibrahim El Sayed Henish, and Ahmed Abdullah Hussein Abo Asy
Local Anaesthetic Injection in to Both Angles of Rectus Sheath Incision for Post-Operative Pain Relief in Cesarean Delivery Have Any Benefit?
Mohammed Mohammed Gebreil, Ahmed Mohammed El-Sadek, Hamed Ahmed Sanad, and Bahaa Salah Kamel
Variables Influencing the Extrusion Rate of Ventilation Tubes
Mahmoud Ahmed Nagy Mohamed, Ayman .A. El-Shehally, and Ali khalaf Mahrous
Evaluation of the Value of Using Simple Elastic Abdominal Binder during Colonoscopy
Abdelrahman Abuelela Hassan; Mohammed Z. Abu Amer; and Amer Gomaa,
Study of Helicobacter Pylori Infection In Chronic Hepatitis (C) Infection Among Egyptian Patients
Rabei Fathy Abbas, Ahmed Abdul Hameid Abo Zied, and Ragab El-Saed El-Dibany
Role of EUS in the Diagnosis of Patients with Solid Pancreatic Mass in relation to other imaging modalities
Ahmed Khaled Shehata, Yasser fouad Fathallah, Mohamed Mousa Hegazi, and Mohamed salah Elfeshawy
A new surgical approach for pilonidal sinus disease: “de-epithelialization technique’’ (Revisited study)
Ahmed Mohamed Abd Elkafy El Shemy, Magdy Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammed Fathy labib ayoup, and Mohamed Hisham Ahmed