
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Abdullah Hussein Abo Asy

Document Type

Original Article


Background; Any surgical procedure that disrupts the anterior abdominal wall in order to get access to the peritoneal cavity might result in an abdominal wound, Aim and objectives: This study's objective was to assess the effectiveness of subcutaneous vacuum suction drains in reducing abdominal wound complications after elective abdominal operations. Subjects and methods: This research was had 200 patients undergoing exploratory laparotomy for elective indications in Al-Azhar University Hospitals (Al – Hussein and Bab – Elshaaria University Hospitals). Result; In both groups, midline laparotomies were the most frequently applied incision. The other incisions made were on the grid iron and the right subcostal. The kind of incisions made between the two groups did not statistically vary substantially. Conclusion: When compared to traditional primary skin closure, the use of a subcutaneous suction drainage tube for abdominal wall closure in instances of peritonitis effectively lowers the frequency of wound infection, dehiscence, wound secondary suturing, and length of hospital stay in SSI.


Subcutaneous Suction Drain, Wound, Abdominal Surgery, peritonitis.
