
Corresponding Author

Hossam Elsayed Elsaed Hamed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: echogenicity of amniotic fluid refers to size, number, & amount of particles in AF, which in turn represents turbidity of AF. This could result in identification of echogenic particles via ultrasound, as well recognized as AF sludge, & presence of homogeneously echogenic AF. Aim and objectives: research's goal was to look into prevalence of echogenic amniotic fluid during term pregnancy & how often it was related to meconium. Subjects & methods: cross-sectional research was carried out on 70 term pregnant (37-40 weeks) women who presented to the Obstetrics & Gynecology Department at Al-Azhar New Damietta University Hospital for labour and women admitted for scheduled caesarean section. Results: Clear amniotic fluid was found in 35.71% of patients with echogenic amniotic fluid on ultrasound, meconium-stained amniotic fluid was found in only 7.14%, and amniotic with vernix caseosa was found in 57.14%. Conclusion: existence of highly echogenic amniotic fluid is unusual, & its existence generates quandary for clinician. Meconium, blood, & vernix caseosa have all been linked to echogenic AF. In current research, meconium was found in 7.14percent of cases of echogenic amniotic fluid.


Echogenic amniotic fluid; Meconium-stained amniotic fluid; Term pregnancy; Ultrasonography; Vernix caseosa
