
Document Type

Original Article


Background:The most prevalent endocrine condition in women of reproductive age is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which has systemic metabolic symptoms and neuroendocrine-immunity disruption,Objective: was to find the incidence of hypothyroidism in PCOS patients, the link between PCOS and hypothyroidism in terms of clinical and laboratory markers, and the correlation between PCOS and thyroid autoimmunity in matched euthyroid controls.Patients and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 113 women diagnosed as PCO who were diagnosed by Rotterdam criteria and followed up at Al- Hussein hospital &Al-Azhar University hospitals in the period of 8 months from April 2021 to December 2021.Results: there is no statistically substantial variationbetween euthyroid PCO and hypothyroid PCO as regards personal history except for age presentation with p-value =0.006 as most of hypothyroid PCO patients had age between 21-30 years more than euthyroid patients,Conclusion:Ovaries may be affected by thyroid conditions, most notably hypothyroidism, via both a direct impact on ovarian function and autoimmune routes. In 54% of PCO women, hypothyroidism was present. Women with PCO had the greatest cases of oligomenorrhea.


Hypothyroidism; Polycystic Ovary Disease; Oligomenorrhea;thyroid autoimmunity

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
