
Corresponding Author

Hazem Arnous

Document Type

Original Article


Background and objectives:

The current clinical practice advocates dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for a year after ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), primarily owing to persistent thrombotic risk. The novel COBRA PzF coronary stent was developed to reduce stent thrombosis risk. The primary goal of the current research was to compare the efficacy and safety of the novel nanocoated PzF stenting with one-month DAPT (dual anti-platelet therapy) against 12-month DAPT after the current drug- eluting stent (DES) in STEMI patients and single-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD).

Patients & methods:

A prospective observational study enrolled 100 cases presented with STEMI and single vessel CAD. Eligible patients were allocated into 2 groups; group I consisted of 50 patients managed with the COBRA PzF stent who received one-month DAPT. Group II consisted of 50 patients treated with DES who received one-year DAPT. The occurrence of stent thrombosis was our primary endpoint. The secondary endpoints were target vessel revascularization and major adverse cerebro-cardiovascular occurrences throughout the year.


There were no observed cases of definite stent thrombosis in group I against three in group II, however, it didn’t reach statistical significance (p=0.094) The incidence of target vessel revascularization (6% against 10%), death (2% versus 4%), stroke (0 versus 2%) and major

bleeding (0% versus 4%) observed in group I and II respectively, however, it didn’t reach statistical significance.


The COBRA Polyzene-F stent with one-month DAPT met the performance goals for stent thrombosis in patients presenting with STEMI with single vessel CAD and compared favorably with the commercially available DES with one-year DAPT.


Dual antiplatelet therapy, coronary artery disease, ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, COBRA Polyzene F stent, drug eluting stent, stent thrombosis.
