
Corresponding Author

Amr Samir Hassan Samara

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Prediction and early intervention for Acute kidney injury (AKI) are crucial since it may cause long-term mortality and irreversible renal damage.

Aim and objectives: To determine the diagnostic, prognostic significance of the Monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) in the early identification of acute renal injury in critically ill individuals.

Patients and methods: This prospective study included one hundred critically ill cases at the intensive care unit (ICU) of Damanhur Medical National Institute (DMNI) and ELhussein Hospital. They were classified into 2 groups: The non-AKI group was comprised of 50 persons, and the AKI group included 50 patients. The trial length was six months.

Results: Regarding lymphocytes, monocytes & base MLR, both groups that were compared demonstrated a statistically significant distinction. There was no statistically significant variance amongst the studied groups regarding urine output day (0). At the same time, there was a highly statistically significant variance among the two studied groups regarding urine output day (1) and urine output day (2).

Conclusion: MLR has valuable diagnostic and predictive significance in the early diagnosis of acute renal damage in extremely sick individuals, as our study found statistically significant changes among both groups in lymphocytes, monocytes, serum creatinine, base MLR, and urine output. Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed a significant connection between AKI incidence as well as Base MLR, S. Creat Day 2, The First Day of Urine Output, and Output of Urine on the second day, and between AKI incidence and S. Creat Day 2, Urine Output Day 1, and Urine Output Day 2.


AKI, MLR, Serum creatinine

Subject Area

Internal Medicine
