
Corresponding Author

Amr Hasan Yousef

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Supraorbital ridge resection was appropriate for resectioning olfactor groove meningiomas, sellar and parasellar tumors, craniopharyngiomas, and anterior communicating aneurysms.

Aim and objectives: To understand the anatomy and angles for the skull base through the trans-clear approach on the cadavers and how we can use this information on the patients at the operative theatre to improve the outcome and avoid complications.

Patients and Methods: This prospective analytical research enrolled four cadavers at the Mortuary in Anatomy Department and Microscopic Neurosurgical Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University. Five adult cases with skull base de novo tumors are scheduled for surgical intervention.

Results: Severe cerebral atrophy with firm consistency and collapse in vascular structures were identified in each of the cadaveric heads fixed with formalin. The distances between the frontozygomatic suture and target structures are measured.

Conclusion: The study findings demonstrated successful visualization of the medial and anterior regions of the anterior cranial fossa. The endoscopic "supraorbital keyhole" technique can be employed to easily dissect the arteries of the Circle of Willis, which is situated on the same side as the craniotomy. Aneurysms in the anterior circulation and lesions in the anterior skull base, particularly those in the middle, can be surgically treated easily.


Trans-Ciliar Approach; Skull Base Lesions; Cadaver Study

Subject Area

