
Corresponding Author

Mohammed Said Eldeeb

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The reported prevalence of thyroid nodules in adults using high-resolution ultrasound is as high as 68 per cent. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been utilised to treat benign thyroid nodules as a secure alternative to surgery. RFA is a minimally invasive technique.

Aim and objectives: To assess the role of ultrasound-guided radio-frequency ablation in reducing benign thyroid nodular volume.

Patients and methods: This single-arm interventional research was performed on 30 individuals referred mainly to the Sayed Galal University Hospital interventional radiology unit from May 2022 to February 2023.

Results: A statistically significant variance was noted regarding the volume (ml) of benign thyroid nodules between pre and after 1m and pre and after 3m. The non-significant variance was observed among echo structure and volume pre-, after a month and after three months. Our study showed that the solid (33.4%), cystic (23.3%) and complex (43.3%) textures and the most common complications were Haematoma or swelling in 3.3%, followed by Transient voice changes (fully recovered) in 3.3%, then Skin burn (first degree) in 3.3%.

Conclusion: In patients with elevated risks or those who are more apprehensive about undergoing surgery, ultrasound-guided radio-frequency ablation is a viable alternative that offers greater patient satisfaction and fewer complications, according to the current research findings. Who refuse surgery. Moreover, it is a safe modality with satisfactory short-term efficacy for benign thyroid nodules.


Radiofrequency ablation (RFA); Benign thyroid nodules; Ultrasound

Subject Area

Radiology & Radiodiagnosis
