
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Ibrahim Alkazzaz

Document Type

Original Article


Background: A meniscus root tear occurs when the posterior horn connects to the bone via a radial rupture or avulsion. Responsible for maintaining meniscal stability.

Aim: To assess clinically and radiologically patients who suffered from root tears of the meniscus repaired by the pullout suture versus the all-inside technique.

Patients and methods: This prospective comparative investigation was conducted on 20 cases in which, clinically and radiologically, patients suffered from root tears of the meniscus repaired by the pullout suture technique vs. the all-inside technique done in Al-Azhar University hospitals. Patients were divided into two groups: Group I (all inside meniscal repair) included eight patients, and Group II (transtibial pullout) included 12 patients.

Results: Between the All Inside Meniscal Repair Group and the Transtibial Pullout Group, there was no statistically significant variation as regards site and mechanism of injury, duration of complaint, range of motion (ROM), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and pre-operative Lyshom score, while there was statistically substantial variation regarding postoperative Lyshom score.

Conclusion: When carried out appropriately, both methods may provide positive outcomes. Meniscal suture could be an alternative way to treat meniscus posterior root repair (MMPRT) in carefully chosen patients if the damage pattern allows it. Additionally, there was no statistically substantial variation in the damage mechanism between the transtibial pullout group and the all-within meniscal repair group.


All inside meniscal repair; Transtibial pullout; meniscus posterior root tear

Subject Area

