
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Gamal Ahmed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Headache is "a terrible tactile and profound involvement in genuine or potential tissue obliteration. Thus, torment can be brought about by genuine or early tissue obliteration, a pathology of the aggravation pathways or social sickness, and in all cases, is a strong relational correspondence.

Aim of the work: Studying of the possible risk factors associated with primary childhood headaches.

Patients and Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 100 outpatient clinics and inpatients of the neurology department at Al-Azhar University, faculty of Medicine of Assiut and Sohag Teaching Hospital. Children who suffer from primary headaches are between 3 and 18 years old, according to WHO and UNICEF classifications of childhood age.

Results: Primary headache in females (58%)is more than in males (42%). Migraine headaches are more prevalent (60%) than Tension-type headaches (40%). Stress is a common risk factor in TTH, while sleep disturbance and caffeine ingestion are significant risk factors in migraine. A total of 42% of our patients were affected by headaches; 13% of children left school early, 10% of children missed school days, and 19% of children missed entertainment activities. A severe type of migraine with a positive family history has a manifest impact on the life of our patients regardless of gender, age, or chronicity of headache.

Conclusion: The most well-known kinds of essential migraine according to two age bunches, including design, recurrence, seriousness of cerebral pain, family ancestry affiliation and conceivable gamble factors, additionally incorporate the most widely recognized irritating and remembering variables of cerebral pain.


Background: Headache is "a terrible tactile and profound involvement in genuine or potential tissue obliteration. Thus, torment can be brought about by genuine or early tissue obliteration, a pathology of the aggravation pathways or social sickness, and in all cases, is a strong relational correspondence. Aim of the work: Studying of the possible risk factors associated with primary childhood headaches. Patients and Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 100 outpatient clinics and inpatients of the neurology department at Al-Azhar University, faculty of Medicine of Assiut and Sohag Teaching Hospital. Children who suffer from primary headaches are between 3 and 18 years old, according to WHO and UNICEF classifications of childhood age. Results: Primary headache in females (58%)is more than in males (42%). Migraine headaches are more prevalent (60%) than Tension-type headaches (40%). Stress is a common risk factor in TTH, while sleep disturbance and caffeine ingestion are significant risk factors in migraine. A total of 42% of our patients were affected by headaches; 13% of children left school early, 10% of children missed school days, and 19% of children missed entertainment activities. A severe type of migraine with a positive family history has a manifest impact on the life of our patients regardless of gender, age, or chronicity of headache. Conclusion: The most well-known kinds of essential migraine according to two age bunches, including design, recurrence, seriousness of cerebral pain, family ancestry affiliation and conceivable gamble factors, additionally incorporate the most widely recognized irritating and remembering variables of cerebral pain.

Subject Area

