
Corresponding Author

Shaimaa Mamdouh Mostafa

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Diabetic macular edema (DME) is one of the most common causes of vision loss.

Aim: To compare the early recurrence in terms of clinical outcomes and structural alterations in the retina following intravitreal injections of the anti-VEGFs ranibizumab and aflibercept for the treatment of diabetic macular edema.

Patients and Methods: A prospective, interventional, comparative, randomized clinical study with 100 eyes was conducted. The subjects were split into two groups: the ranibizumab group (50 eyes) and the aflibercept group (50 eyes).

Results: Regarding the total study population, the intergroup comparison revealed a significant difference at the first-month follow-up with more improvement of BCVA in the IVA group (p=0.01) and no significant difference at the third-month follow-up (p=0.59). However, there was a highly significant difference at the sixth-month follow-up in favor of the IVA group (p=0.0001). As regards CMT, The intergroup comparison of CMT values indicated more improvement in the IVA group over the IVR group, which was statistically significant in the first month (p= 0.002) and highly significant in the sixth-month visit ( p<0.0001) respectively), However, there was no statistically significant difference at the third-month visit ( P=0.48).

Conclusion Aflibercept and ranibizumab were effective in treating DME. Aflibercept, nevertheless, produced more stable results in terms of morphology and vision.


Optical coherence tomography; Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF); Intravitreal injection; CMT

Subject Area

