
Corresponding Author

Moftah Ali ALmgrhi

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The rising prevalence of primary hypertension (HTN) necessitates the development of novel indicators for the early identification of hypertensive nephropathy. Doppler sonography offers non-invasive techniques to study renal hemodynamics.

Objectives: This research aimed to assess the resistivity index (RI) in the renal arteries of individuals with primary HTN and determine its connection with RI values in the normotensive population.

Methods: This research used a case-control cross-sectional analytical observational design and included a sample of 60 individuals, ranging in age from 35 to 70, of both genders, who had primary HTN and normotensive individuals. The patients were separated into two equal groups: one group (the control group) consisted of healthy individuals. Two groups of patients were submitted to the ultrasonography unit.

Results: There was a significantly higher mean value of resistive index “RI” in the patients’ group than in the control group, with a p-value (p=0.006). There was a highly significant positive correlation between the resistive index of the patients’ group according to their duration of HTN “years,” during the age insignificant correlation. There was no correlation between the resistive index of the control group and age.

Conclusion: The mean renal RI increases significantly in primary hypertensive patients when compared with normal control ones. RI increases with the duration of HTN. Renal Doppler is a useful noninvasive method for early detection of hypertensive nephropathy and investigating renal hemodynamics alteration, so we considered renal duplex an important prognostic and diagnostic tool for essential HTN.


Intra Renal Arterial RI; Primary Hypertensive Patients; Normotensive Population

Subject Area

Radiology & Radiodiagnosis
