
Corresponding Author

Mohamad Fawzy Mahmoud Allam

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Anal fissure is a frequent peri-anal condition causing bleeding, itching, and pain due to poor endodermal perfusion due to high resting anal pressure.

Objectives: To compare laser sphincterolysis vs. open lateral sphincterotomy in the management of chronic anal fissures.

Patients and methods: This research was done on 100 cases and was separated into two groups: Open LIS Group (N=55) and Laser Group (N=45).

Results: Our findings showed a statistically significant difference in Wexner Score between the studied groups in Continent, Gas, and Liquid, while there was no statistically significant variance among the studied groups as regarded as Solid. Moreover, there was a substantial difference in the Healing period between the studied groups in the first and second weeks. At the same time, there was no statistically significant variance among the studied groups in the third week. The present research revealed a statistically substantial statistically significant recurrence variance following six months between the studied groups.

Conclusion: Regarding our results, laser sphincterolysis is more promising than open lateral sphincterotomy laser; it has less operation time, less blood loss during surgery, and no or minimal post-operative pain so that discharge may be given the same day of operation, and patients can go back on to routine work within few days due to fast recovery.


Anal Fissure, Sphincterotomy, Open laser therapy

Subject Area

General Medicine
