
Corresponding Author

Mohamad Fawzy Mahmoud Allam

Document Type

Original Article


Background: As of June 30, 2020, COVID-19, the coronavirus illness, continues to pose a hazard to public health worldwide, accounting for over 500,000 deaths and over 10 million cases.

Objective: To characterize the imaging results of COVID-19-positive patients who had acute venous thromboembolic events in the pulmonary or lower limb venous circulation and ascertain the frequency of thromboembolic consequences in COVID-19-positive patients.

Patients and Methods: This prospective study involved 30 patients with proven COVID-19 infection who first developed thromboembolic symptoms at Dar-Elshefaa Specialty Hospital. Six months were dedicated to the research.

Results: In the present investigation, the mean BMI of the 19 (63.3%) male and 11 (36.7%) female cases ranged in age from 31 to 85 years (mean 61.20 years). According to our analysis, 22 (73.3%) of the cases had co-morbidities, including 21 instances with HTN, 3 cases with COPD, 2 cases with IHD, 2 cases with CKD, and 1 case with cystic fibrosis. 12 (40.0%) cases were unilateral, and 18 (60.0%) were bilateral, according to distribution.

Conclusion: DVT is very common and has a negative correlation with hospitalized COVID-19 patients' prognosis. According to our findings, COVID-19 is most likely an extra risk factor for DVT in hospitalized patients. PE in our study's COVID-19 participants may mostly impact the bilateral lung.


Deep Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, COVID-19

Subject Area

Radiology & Radiodiagnosis
