
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Mohamed Abd-Allah Marzook

Document Type

Original Article


Background; Anal fissure is a frequent disorder that is regarded as a prevalent surgical condition that frequently arises in the anorectal area. The administration of a caudal block can offer an extended duration of pain relief following anorectal surgery.

Aim and objectives: To compare Ultrasound (US)-Guided caudal Block group and US -Guided Pudendal Nerve Block.

Subjects and methods: this prospective, randomized clinical trial included (116) cases divided into two groups. It was conducted in Al-Azhar University Hospitals for Boys in Cairo.

Results: There were insignificant differences among the studied groups concerning the baseline characteristics (Age, height, sex, weight, BMI, and ASA), VAS at PACU, at 3, 6, 24, 36, and 48 hr, the number of cases who essential postoperative analgesia, the sphincter relaxation assessment, incidence of PONV and patient satisfaction. Regarding the postoperative pain assessment, VAS at 12h was significantly lower in group B, contrasted with group A (P

Conclusion: We concluded that US -Guided Pudendal Nerve Block was more efficient & safer than US -Guided caudal Nerve Block before anal fissure surgery.


Ultrasound-Guided; Caudal Block; Pudendal Nerve Block; Anal Surgery

Subject Area

