
Corresponding Author

Mohamed Ahmed Abdulaziz Almogahed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Chronic watery diarrhea(CWD) is a hallmark of the inflammatory colon condition known as microscopic colitis (MC). It usually affects middle-aged and older people, with a higher proportion of females. When people with microscopic colitis have colonoscopies, their colons seem normal.

Aim of the work: To assess the prevalence of microscopic colitis among chronic watery non-bleeding diarrhea among Egyptian patients over 24 months using cross-sectional data and fecal calprotectin test.

Patient and method: The Departments of Endemic Medicine and Pathology at Al-Hussein University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University collaborated to perform and assess the incidence of microscopic intestinal colitis during this cross-sectional study. Eighty-eight individuals were enrolled in this trial from July 2017 to December 2019.

Results: Histological appearance of microscopic colitis was identified in (9.1%), two in males (25%) and six females (75%), with mean age 48,75 -+ 8,88 (range 34-59). All of these cases were identified as lymphocytic colitis.Fecal calprotectin is positive in 25% from this microscopic colitis patient, ranging between 20 to 100, with a cutoff value above 47 microgram/stool with a high specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 25%.

Conclusion: The prevalence of microscopic colitis in Egyptian patients with chronic watery, non-bloody diarrhea is high when compared to other developed countries. That mainly affects young and middle-aged patients and is more commonly lymphocytic.


Microscopic Colitis; Chronic; None Bloody Diarrhea

Subject Area

Endemic diseases and tropical medicine
