
Corresponding Author

Osama Ahmed Abdelbaki Ahmed Ganash

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Ankle joint lesions are often caused by overuse syndrome, inflammatory diseases, or trauma. To assess the ankle joint, various imaging modalities, such as plain radiography, CT, US, and MRI, are utilized.

Objective: To evaluate high-resolution US as a useful tool for illustrating the origins of ankle joint discomfort.

Patients and Methods: This prospective study was conducted at El Zaytoun specialized hospital on 30 cases with ankle joint pain (either acute or chronic) (post-traumatic or non-traumatic). The study period was six months.

Results: Thirty patients were included in our research; their ages varied from 10 to 50 years old (mean age was 31.67 ± 13.90 years), with females making up 60% of the patient population and men making up 40%. In this study, there were nine cases (30.3%) of ligament damage, six cases (20.0%) of tendon tears, ten cases (33.3%) of tendinosis, five cases (16.6%) of tendinosis, nine cases (30.0%) of joint effusion, six cases (13.3%) of soft tissue abnormalities, and five cases (16.6%) of miscellaneous pathologies.

Conclusion: In lateral ligament, tendinous pathologies, joint effusion, and other pathologies, ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic technique for those experiencing ankle discomfort.


Resolution Ultrasonography; Painful Ankle; Assessment

Subject Area

Radiology & Radiodiagnosis
