
Corresponding Author

Mohammed Abdalla Hassanin

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Hysteroscopy is a technique used by gynecologists to examine the endometrial cavity and perform surgical procedures on the uterus from outside the body (transcervical).

Aim of the work: This study will utilize a prospective design to ascertain whether or not medical treatment via operational hysteroscopy is beneficial in boosting conception rate and decreasing patient complaints in women diagnosed with intrauterine abnormalities and primary infertility.

Patients and methods: This study, which involved fifty patients, is prospective. Of childbearing age who visited the Al-Hussein University Hospital with complaints of primary infertility were analyzed in this study after giving informed consent. They went to Al-Hussein University Hospital for submucous myoma hysteroscopic excision, polypectomy, or intrauterine septum resection between November 2021 and October 2023.

Results: The treatment of any uterine abnormalities, no matter how minor, increases the chance of pregnancy among infertile women without additional causes of infertility.

Conclusion: Removal of uterine cavity abnormalities in subfertile women using hysteroscopy may be recommended to improve their reproductive outcome and increase their chances of becoming pregnant.


Operative Hysteroscopy; Infertility; Uterine cavity abnormalities

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
