
Corresponding Author

Sherif Hamdeno Youssif

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Orbital fractures are typical in modern society due to various accidents affecting the craniofacial region. Transconjunctival incisions have the main benefit of causing minimum scar formation compared to other orbital access procedures.

Aim: To assess the value of the Transconjunctival Approach with Lower Lateral Tarsal Incision for accessing ZMC fractures.

Subject and Method: In this prospective clinical study, we recruited 20 patients with unilateral Orbito-Zygomatic-Maxillary complex fracture operated at the Plastic and Reconstruction Department, Al-Azhar University Hospital, Damietta.

Results: All participants were male, with a mean age of 35.4±11.3 years. We found the mean time needed for the incision to be 17.8± 3.5 min. All subjects exhibited a typical incision site with uninterrupted access to the surgical area and the lower eyelid properly positioned about the eyeball.

Conclusion: Combining a transconjunctival approach with a lower lateral tarsal incision offers extensive access to the inferior orbital rim and orbital floor, resulting in a minimal risk of complications and improved aesthetic results.


Transconjunctival; Lower Lateral Tarsal Incision; ZMC Fractures

Subject Area

Plastic surgery
