
Corresponding Author

Ragab El-Sayed Mahmoud Salah

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Surgical management of central breast cancers presents a challenge to the physician, who must achieve the primary objectives of breast conservative surgery (BCS), precisely sufficient margins and aesthetically pleasing results.

Aim: To evaluate breast preservation in women with central breast cancer while providing these patients with both oncologic safety and acceptable cosmetic appearance.

Patients and methods: Fifty patients participated in this prospective investigation at Al-Azhar University Hospitals, Cairo, From January 2021 till January 2023. All were indicated and fit for conservative breast surgery due to central carcinoma. The patients gave their informed written consent. Each patient was given a code number and a review of the study's objectives.

Results: Regarding the oncoplastic techniques performed on the studied patients, 16 (32%)patients underwent the risotto technique, 12 (24%)patients underwent the melon slice technique, 14 (28%)patients underwent the round block technique, and 8 (16%) patients underwent batwing mastopexy technique. The average tumor size was 2.4 ± 0.47 cm, with a 1.6 to 3.2 cm range. The surgical safety margins had a mean of 1.5 ± 0.36 cm and varied from 0.9 to 2.1 cm.

Conclusion: After resection of CLBC, the center quadrant can be safely rebuilt using a variety of oncoplastic procedures with acceptable cosmetic results.


Oncoplastic Surgical Techniques; Central Breast Cancer

Subject Area

General Surgery
