
Corresponding Author

Omar Abdel Aziz Abdel Moneim

Document Type

Original Article


Background: One of the most frequent problems that women in the postmenopausal age group deal with is abnormal uterine bleeding. It is a challenging clinical issue with numerous underlying causes.

Aim and objectives: To assess whether abdominal ultrasonography is more accurate than hysteroscopy in diagnosing endometrial abnormalities in postmenopausal women.

Patients and methods: The study included 100 patients from the Outpatient Gynecological Clinic, AL HUSSIEN, SAYED GALAL AL-AZHAR University Hospitals from the beginning of January 2023 to early December 2023. All patients suffering from postmenopausal bleeding and those above 45 years old.

Results: Regarding the diagnoses of pathologies found with hysteroscopy, 35% didn’t have any pathology, 42% had endometrial polyp, 12% had submucous fibroids, 8% had endometrial thickness, 3% had Leiomyoma, & regarding the diagnoses of pathologies found with 3D TVUS, 23% didn’t have any pathology, 58% had endometrial polyp, 7% had submucous fibroids, 7% had endometrial thickness, 5% had Leiomyoma. , 3D TVUS detected endometrial thickness in the patients under study with a sensitivity of 66.67%, selectivity of 93.41%, PPV of 50%, NPV of 96.59%, and accuracy of 91%.

Conclusion: When diagnosing cases of abnormal uterine bleeding, hysteroscopy is a quick, safe, and accurate procedure with excellent accuracy, specificity, positivity predictive value, and negative predictive value


Diagnostic hysteroscopy (DH); 3D Ultrasound; Post Menposal Uterine Bleeding

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
