
Corresponding Author

Mahmoud Alaa Ahmed Kamal

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)is a prevalent ailment where the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, producing 90% of cases of nerve entrapment.

Aim and objectives: To ascertain the diagnostic utility of the ultrasonographic (US) ratio among the cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve (u-CSA) and the median nerve (m-CSA) at the carpal tunnel inlet's pisiform bone in CTS.

Patients and methods: In the current research, 20 cases of manifestations of CTS were presented to the neurology department of Al-Hussein University Hospital. At the start of January 2023 & the conclusion of June 2023, 20 healthy controls were enlisted. Between the patients & the healthy control group, a comparison was made.

Results: Contrasting the CTS group to the control group, Variation in the median/ulnar cross-sectional area ratio (m-CSA/u-CSA) and m-CSA varied significantly. We determined the cut-off points for the m-CSA and m-CSA/u-CSA ratios to be 11.25 mm2 and 3.15 mm2, respectively, based on the coefficient of variation (ROC) curve and Youden's index.

Conclusion: CTS can be diagnosed by measuring the m-CSA to u-CSA ratio.


carpal tunnel syndrome; ulnar nerve; ultrasound; median nerve; median nerve entrapment

Subject Area

