
Corresponding Author

Basim Rikan Buhaibeh Al-manhal

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Carcinoma of the breast is among the most common forms of cancer observed in females across the globe. Breast cancer individuals' 5-year survival rates, as well as their quality of life, have both increased alongside the development of more refined imaging diagnostic tools in recent years.

Aim and objectives: evaluation of shear wave elastography for identifying solid breast masses relative to magnetic resonance imaging for specificity, reliability & sensitivity.

Patient and methods: This cross-sectional trial was performed on 103 cases with solid lesions in their breasts, which were examined in the Department for Early Breast cancer detection in AL-Yrmouk teaching hospital and maternity teaching hospital by ultrasound with shear wave elastography (SWE) and MRI from July 2020 to June 2023.

Results: The diagnostic value of MRI in differentiating breast solid masses was described by the sensitivity of 91.6%, specificity of 84.4%, in addition, the accurateness of 89.3%. The negative predictive value (NPV) & positive predictive value (PPV) were 92.9% and 81.8%. The area under the curve was 75.5%, while the diagnostic value of shear wave in distinguishing breast solid masses was described by a specificity of 78.1%, sensitivity of 85.9%, & accuracy of 83.5%. The PPV was 89.7%, and NPV was 71.4%. As area under the curve was 82%.

Conclusion: When it comes to the detection and evaluation of breast cancer, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is superior to SWE due to its higher specificity (91.6%), as well as its accuracy (85%).


Shear Wave Ultrasound; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Solid Breast Masses
