
Corresponding Author

Mohamed Ahmed Qiati

Document Type

Original Article


Background: An ostium secundum defect (ASD) is the most common type of atrial septal defect. Percutaneous transcatheter closure only works for ostium secundum anomalies and is less risky for the patient.

The work aims : to evaluate the short-term impact of percutaneous catheter closure of ASD on right ventricular (RV) size, volume, and function, as well as on tricuspid regurgitation, across a range of age groups of patients with secundum ASD.

Patients and methods: We conducted this prospective observational study on 30 patients diagnosed with secundum ASD who visited the outpatient clinic and echocardiography laboratory of the cardiology department at El-Sayeed Galal University Hospital from August 2022 to June 2023.

Results: A statistically significant drop occurred between the start of the study and three months after its closure. When comparing groups II and III, group I's RV basal, mid, and longitudinal diameters were smaller than those of groups II and III. We found a significant gap [p-value = 0.003] in TR across the several investigated groups. On the other hand, we did not discover any statistically significant variations amongst the three groups in accordance with FAC%, TAPSE, or TASV.

Conclusion: The early percutaneous closure of ostium second ASD at a young age leads to a higher rate of RV remodeling reversal and better functional status.


Transcatheter Closure; Atrial Septal Defect; Tricuspid Regurgitation; 2 D Transthoracic Echocardiography

Subject Area

