
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Esmail Fayad

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The complement system is increasingly acknowledged to be integrally tied to obesity and other numerous metabolic disorders related to it and may be involved in NAFLD.

Aim and objectives: To evaluate the serum C3 as a predictor factor for NAFLD patients with diabetes and obesity.

Patients and methods: This was prospective research carried out on seventy-five NAFLD patients attending the internal medicine department of Elsaied Galal University Hospital, with 25 healthy volunteers as a control. Cases were separated into four groups.

Results: There was no significant distinction between the four groups regarding sex and age. There was a significant increase in WC and BMI in groups I, II, and IV; WC and BMI in group II were contrasted with group IV, and WC and BMI in group I were compared with group III. There was a significant increase in FBG, 2H-PPPG, TG, and LDL among groups II and III, C3 among groups II, III, and IV, and LDL among all groups. The greater the degree of C3, the greater the degree of BMI, FBG, ALT, TG, LDL, and U/S score among groups II, III, and IV. The lesser the degree of C3, the lesser the degree of AST among patients in group III.

Conclusion: Serum complement C3 has shown promise as a biomarker for assessing therapeutic benefits and monitoring therapy outcomes in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It may also be useful for predicting how liver inflammation will get worse.


NAFLD; Complement C3; Diabetes Mellitus
