
Corresponding Author

Hassan Abdalla Hassan Kandil

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Milky white macules and patches on the skin and mucous membrane are characteristic of vitiligo, an acquired idiopathic progressive depigmenting illness marked by a significant loss of functional epidermal and, in some cases, hair follicle melanocytes.

Objective: This research aims to evaluate the efficiency of treating vitiligo with microneedling with a fractional CO2(FrCO2) laser followed by topical 5 Fluorouracil (5-FU).

Subjective: The research is a comparative clinical research performed at the Dermatology outpatient clinic of Al-Azhar University Hospitals on thirty (30) patients diagnosed clinically as vitiligo in which they were split into two groups at random, Group I: Application FrCO2laser followed by topical 5FU and Group II: Application of microneedling followed by 5-FU.

Results: Patients undergoing systemic cancer treatment frequently use 5-FU. It forms the backbone of several different types of combination chemotherapy. The use of 5-FU to treat cancer has been linked to the development of localized hyperpigmentations.

Conclusion: In treating vitiligo, employing a combination of FrCO2 laser or microneedling with 5-FU rather than utilizing either is a more effective and safe technique. Patients who undergo this process will benefit from a new therapeutic window.


Fractional CO2 laser; Microneedling; Non Segmental Vitiligo; Topical 5 Fluorouracil

Subject Area

