
Corresponding Author

Mohammed Sabry Abd El-Sayed Abdou

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Colonoscopy is the primary screening modality used to diagnose various colonic lesions that are often overlooked due to the endoscopist's proficiency and the condition of the bowel preparation. However, other aspects related to the form and architecture of the lesions contribute to this. People often overlook small lesions, like diminutive polyps, with potential malignancy rates.

Aim : The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of endocuff-assisted colonoscopy in enhancing the identification of diverse colonic lesions and boosting cecal intubation rates.

Methods: We carried out a randomized clinical trial, enrolling 100 patients with diverse abdominal symptoms who visited the Al-Azhar University Hospital endoscopic unit from January 2023 to June 2023 for colonoscopy, all requiring a lower gastrointestinal endoscopy. We performed a standard colonoscopy on each patient first, followed by an end cuff-assisted colonoscopy in the same session.

Results: Endoscopes with endo cuff tubes can significantly detect more colonic lesions (p-value

Conclusion: Endocuff-assisted colonoscopy outperforms standard colonoscopy in detecting colonic polyps, mainly due to its minimal ulceration rate; however, it's essential to balance the risks against the benefits.


Endocuff; colonoscopy; cecal intubation; colonic polyps

Subject Area

Internal Medicine
