
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Bendary Hosney Bendary

Document Type

Meta Analysis


Background: Distraction osteogenesis (DO), also known as callus distraction, allostasis & osteodistraction, is a technique utilized in podiatric surgery, orthopedic surgery, and oral & maxillofacial surgery for the correction of skeletal abnormalities and reconstructive purposes.

Aim and objectives: To undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of published publications, including DO in hand; to calculate the time required for distraction, the length obtained, and the rate of complications; and to identify factors impacting case outcomes.

Patients and Methods: This was a systemic review and meta-analysis by utilizing the preferred reporting items for the systemic review & meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. The search was limited to English articles published between 2012 and 2022. Databases were approached through the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. The search was conducted in December 2022.

Results: Meta-analysis 3 studies assessing changes in length pre- and after show a slight increase in length after but with insignificant differences. 13 studies were included showing significant heterogeneity with an event rate of 7.9%. ROM and outcome score Mean MCP ROM extension (degrees) pre was 20.15 and changed to 8.2 after treatment. The mean EFI days/cm was 61.4, the mean Healing index, d/cm was 54.4, and the mean Kapandji opposition score was 7.65.

Conclusion: The present research demonstrated that DO provides succinct advantages for restoring length following digital amputations. Nevertheless, these benefits are offset by the lengthy treatment duration and elevated complication rates.


Distraction Osteogenesis; Bone lengthening; Meta-analysis Study

Subject Area

Plastic surgery
