
Corresponding Author

Amr Osama Ibrahim Dawood

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Over 25% of all maternal deaths, especially in low-income nations, are attributed to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), in accordance with the World Health Organization(WHO). Most severe maternal morbidities, including extended hospital stays, the need for blood transfusions, and surgical operations that may result in the loss of reproductive function, are also caused by PPH.

Aim of work: To evaluate the efficaciousness of sublingual misoprostol (600 microns) vs the same amount given to patients as a rectum shortly after birth in reducing postpartum hemorrhage.

Patient and methods: Over the study's one year, the obstetrics and gynecology departments at El-Monira General Hospital and Al-Azhar University Hospitals will host a randomized prospective controlled clinical experiment. Two hundred women who gave birth vaginally or by C.S. were enrolled in this research and were split into 2 groups at random fashion divided into 100 patients of each group forming 2 subgroups representing V.D or C.S.

Results: The sublingual administration of misoprostol may present as a more favorable alternative due to its prompt absorption, extended duration of effect, and superior overall bioavailability when compared to the rectal route of administration.

Conclusion: The sublingual route of misoprostol administration is related to a lower frequency of PPH compared to rectal administration at the indicated dosage. Although the sublingual administration of misoprostol is linked with a higher occurrence of shivering and pyrexia, it was preferred by a greater number of women compared to the rectal route of administration.


Sublingual; Rectal Misoprostol; Prevention; Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
