
Corresponding Author

Emad Zayed

Document Type

Original Article


Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and outcomes (functional and radiological) of arthroscopic Osteo-chondral Auto-graft Transplantation (OAT) for focal cartilage defects of medial condyle of the femur.

Method: Twenty patients, Seventeen males (85%) and three females (15%), with a mean age of (24.95±6.6) and mean body mass index (BMI) (24.6±2.46) and a full-thickness chondral lesion of the articulating weight bearing surface of the medial femoral condyle, were treated by (OAT) from non-weight bearing region of the lateral femoral condyle. Our patients were evaluated using Lysholm score pre-and postoperatively. Post-operative and pre-operative plain radiographs of the affected knee and knee MRI were done for all patients (n=20).

Results: Following a median follow-up period of 32±14 months (ranging from 13 to 46 months), there was a highly statistically significant increase in post-operative Lysholm Score (84.2±10.9) compared with pre-operative Lysholm Score (45.2±14.6) with P value (

Conclusion: The (OAT) although technically demanding, in this work, it was demonstrated that Osteo-chondral Auto-graft transplantation is an effective method for treating focal cartilage defects on the weight-bearing surface medial condyle of the femur, even in cases with significant defects (up to 4 cm2).

Medial femoral condyle; Osteo-chondral Auto-graft Transplantation; Osteo-chondral Defects


Medial femoral condyle; Osteo-chondral Auto-graft Transplantation; Osteo-chondral Defects

Subject Area

