Document Type
Original Article
Background: Non-cyclic pelvic discomfort lasting more than six months is referred to as chronic pelvic pain (CPP). 10%–40% of all gynecologic referrals are for CPP, which affects 15% of women between the ages of 18 and 50. Aim and objectives: This study compares transfemoral versus transjugular access for endovascular embolization in the treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome with respect to ease of access, complications, and cannulation of the left and right ovarian veins. Subjects and methods: This prospective observational study included 30 patients who underwent endovascular embolization for pelvic congestion syndrome in the vascular surgery department of Al-Azhar University Hospitals. Result: Although both access points were easily accessible, trans-jagular access is preferable to trans-femoral access in bilateral instances for right ovarian vein cannulation, according to the study, which also showed no statistically significant differences in complications between the two groups. Conclusion: The current study showed that trans-jagular veins endovascular embolization resulted in significantly better outcome in term of cannulation of right ovarian vein compared to trans-femoral veins. The strength points of the current study were that being prospective study, both access groups were managed by the same surgeon at the same settings.
Trans-Jugular; Trans-femoral veins; Endovascular embolization techniques; Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.
Subject Area
General Surgery
How to Cite This Article
Sharaby, Alaa El-Din Moustafa Kamal; Zakaria, Mohamed Yahia; and Yousef, Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Abo
"A comparative Study between Trans-Jugular versus Trans-femoral veins Access for endovascular embolization techniques in the Treatment of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome,"
Al-Azhar International Medical Journal: Vol. 5:
3, Article 51.