
Document Type

Original Article


Background: An ideal anesthetic agent is one that allows for a smooth maintenance of anesthesia, stable hemodynamics, minimal effects on cerebral hemodynamics, and prompt and full recovery at the conclusion of the operation. These are all characteristics of an ideal anesthetic agent, which is used in the maintenance of anesthesia. Aim and objectives: The objectives were primary outcome that compare the recovery time of desflurane and sevoflurane. And secondary outcomes that study the effects on hemodynamics (HR, Mean ABP), emergence time, extubation time, cognitive behavior, incidence of PONV. Patients and methods: This comparative research was performed on (98) cases in Al-Azhar University Hospitals, for Boys in Cairo from 10/22 to 10/23. Participants were separated into 2 groups: Group S: anesthesia was maintained using sevoflurane (49) cases and Group D: anesthesia was maintained using desflurane (49) cases. Results: There was no significant distinction in age, sex, BMI, or ASA among the groups. There was no significant variation among cases received sevoflurane and desflurane as regard baseline, intra-operative and post-operative MBP score monitoring, intra and post-operative complications and intra-operative and post-operative PaCO2 score monitoring. statistically significant better performance in Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test in individuals who received Desflurane than those who received sevoflurane. Conclusion: We revealed that there was no significant distinction among individuals received sevoflurane and desflurane as regard baseline, intra-operative and post-operative MBP score monitoring. But Desflurane showed better performance in Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test in than sevoflurane.


Sevoflurane; Desflurane; Enhanced Recovery; Elective Craniotomy for Supratentorial Tumors

Subject Area

