
Document Type

Original Article


Less of the physiologic diversity of late gestation was evident in transcerebellar diameter (TCD) compared to several other biometric measures. Menstrual history, clinical examination, and ultrasound are all used to estimate the gestational age of a fetus. In the absence of known risk factors, diagnostic ultrasonography is routinely used to monitor fetal development & confirm the presence of clinical complications. Our study aimed at comparison of the current last menstrual period, femur length, as well as biparietal diameter with transcerebellar diameter measurement for estimating gestational age in the third trimester. Our study was an observational trial was carried out on a total of one hundred pregnant women during the months of September 2021 & March 2022 at the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Al Hussein Hospital, which is affiliated with Al-Azhar University in Cairo (inpatient & outpatient). According to our results there was a statistically significant alteration amongst the studied groups as regard (Agreement between the gyrus angle estimated by TCD, FL & BPD compared to gyrus angle estimated by LMP), (Correlation of TCD, FL, BPD with GA estimated by LMP) & (Correlation of transcerebellar diameter with FL and gyrus angle estimated by LMP among the females in 3rd trimester). Regarding our results we can concluded that Transcerebellar diameter calculates third-trimester gestational age more accurately than biparietal diameter. Third trimester transcerebellar diameter & femur length help determine fetus gestational age.


Biparietal Diameter; Gestational Age measurement; Transcerebellar Diameter; Third Trimester; Femur Length.

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
