
Corresponding Author

Mohammad Ismail Abu-Alnagah

Document Type

Original Article


Background: A stomach mucosa irritation is called gastritis. It could be a brief incident or last for a long time. It could show up with no symptoms or dull ache, upper abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, feeling full, and appetite loss.

Aim of the Work: To assess the i-scan endoscopic modality's contribution to diagnosing gastritis.

Patients and Methods: This prospective controlled study explores the effectiveness of an i-scan in diagnosing gastritis. Two hundred patients who visit the endoscopy units at AL-Hussein Hospitals of the Al-Azhar University Faculty of Medicine have upper endoscopic examinations due to dyspepsia symptoms.

Results: The study compared Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) positive and negative patients, revealing that the H. pylori negative group was significantly younger (44.1±13.4 vs. 50±9 years, p=0.007). Higher KYOTO scores were noted in the H. pylori positive group (p

Conclusion: We found that i-scan and WLE can both efficiently predict chronic gastritis. WLE had a better result in detecting H. pylori-negative cases. In contrast, the i-scan had a higher sensitivity and lower specificity for the detection of H. pylori-positive cases.


Gastritis; H. pylori; i-scan

Subject Area

Endemic diseases and tropical medicine
