
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Controlled ovarian hyper stimulation is a critical step in the process of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer because it ensures the absorption of a large number of oocytes that are of sufficient quality to be fertilized.This condition's source, mechanism, and/or pathophysiology are still unknown, unpredictable, and unpreventable, despite the years of clinical experience that have been accumulated. Aim and objectives: To assess the efficiency of utilizing a dual trigger as opposed to a higher dosage of hCG as a trigger in an antagonist protocol for the purpose of improving the number of up taken eggs per number of follicles that are > 17 millimeters in diameter on the day of the trigger in individuals who have a previous history of a low egg number of up taken eggs per number of follicles. Subjects and methods: The International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit (IICPSR) of Al-Azhar University in Egypt and The Egyptian IVF-ET Center in Maadi collaborated on the conduct of this prospective clinical trial. Two hundred (200) eligible women were selected from the infertility outpatient clinic of the ART unit. They were randomized by sealed envelope into two groups. Group (1) involved one hundred women who were triggered by an extra 5000IU higher dose of hcg than that of the previous trial. While group (2) involved one hundred women who were triggered by dual trigger (5000iu HCG and two ampoules of decapeptile 0.1). Result: Dual trigger can dramatically enhance the number of retrieved oocytes, the number of MII oocytes & the number of top quality embryos (TQE) for individuals who have a low number of egg uptakes relative to the number of follicles. (P=0.001, 0.010 and 0.04 respectively). Conclusion: The cumulative pregnancy rate, which is calculated from the clinical pregnancy rate after frozen embryo transfer, appears to rise when a dual trigger is employed.


Dual trigger; Hcg trigger; Oocytes retrieved; Antagonist protocol

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
