
Document Type

Original Article


Background: The success of DAA-based combination therapy for the treatment of HCV NS3 resistance-associated substitutions (RAS) is influenced by their occurrence. Objective: The main aim of this study were; 1) identifying the association of HCV relapse (post treatment with ani-NS5A DAAs Simeprevir or Daclatasvir) with occurrence of RAVs/RASs (Resistance associated substitutions) of nucleotide and specific amino acid replacement among Egyptian. Methods: This cross-sectional, case-control study was conducted. Patients were enlisted by Tropical Medicine. Department outpatient clinics at El-Hussein University (Al Azhar University Faculty of Medicine) and EL-Agouza Police hospital. 150 HCV patients in all were involved in the study.These three groupings were created from them: 50 naive patients with chronic HCV infection comprise Group I. and have compensated liver. 2) Group II: Fifty experienced patients (post treatment with Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir relapsers) who tested positive by serum HCV PCR after completing full course of treatment and have compensated liver. 3) Group III: Fifty experienced patients (post treatment with Sofosbuvir + Ladipasvir relapsers) who tested positive by serum HCV PCR after completing full course of treatment and have compensated liver. Results: There was no significant correlation was found between HCV RNA PCR and HBA1C, FBS, INR, Creatinine, Bilirubin, Albumin, AST, ALT, Platelet as well as Hemoglobin in naïve patients (p>0.05). Conclusion: From findings of the study we can conclude that the frequency of L30L amino acid sequences was significantly higher in relapsers compared to responders and naïve patients. Responders showed significant higher level of L30L when compared with naïve patients.


Resistant Associated Variants / Substitutions (RAVs/RASs), Management, Naïve, Chronic Hepatitis C Virus, Infection
