
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 currently named SARS-CoV-2 is a contagious disease caused by a coronavirus the illness that the World Health Organization considers to be a pandemic worldwide. In Egypt, over 288 thousand COVID-19 confirmed cases with about 16.676 thousand total deaths until Aug 2021; COVID-19 vaccination can cause several adverse events including hair loss, however there are incompatible data are present on the possible relationship among COVID-19 vaccines and hair loss.

Aim and objectives: Our aim is to study and evaluate the prevalence of hair loss confirmed by dermoscope in Egyptian people after covid-19 vaccination.

Patient and methods: This prospective study included two thousand participants aged 20-60 years old and received COVID-19 vaccination during the period of January 2022 to July 2022 from the outpatient clinics of dermatology and venereology departments, Al-Azhar University Hospitals.

Result: The findings in this study reported that among the studied cases the predominant vaccination drug was AstraZeneca vaccine with 524 (26.2%) cases ,however (1.6%) received Johnson & Johnson vaccine, (.6%) received Moderna vaccine, (3.4%) received Pfizer vaccine, (23.8%) received Sinopharm vaccine, (20.8%) received Sinovac vaccine, (19.0%) received Sputnik vaccine and (4.5%) received Sputnik light vaccine. 478 cases (23.9%) complained of hair loss and 1522 cases (76.1%) didn’t complain of hair loss after COVID-19 vaccination. Conclusion: Covid-19 vaccination should be considered as a potential cause of hair loss.


Hair loss; COVID-19; vaccination

Subject Area

