
Document Type

Original Article


Background:Preeclampsia is a multi - system illness that affects pregnant women. Its cause is unclear. The condition affects between 2 to 8% of pregnancies and is a main reason of maternal and fetus sickness and death. One of the most recent developments in this sector is the interest in vitamin D, since several recent research have shown that preeclampsia and vitamin D have a link. Aim Of The Study: The goal of this research was to see whether there was a link between vitamin D and preeclampsia. Patients and methods: This research was conducted on one hundred pregnant female, between the age of (20-35) years. And excluded from this study: cases who were taking vitamin D or any other medications during the previous six months and cases that suffer from chronic diseases, as well as cases of obesity. Results: Vitamin D levels in the blood were substantially larger in the case group as compared to the control group. When compared to the control group, the incidence of caesarean section was substantially larger in the case group. Level of hemoglobin, pregnancy ultrasound, amniotic fluid coefficient and placental differentiation, there were no substantialvariations between the two study groups. regarding vitamin D, there were no substantial variations compared to the different criteria of the study, such as: pregnant age, weight, pregnancy and birth rate, blood pressure, hemoglobin percentage, fetal weight, and amniotic fluid rate. Conclusion: According to our research outcomes that vitamin D deficiency has a weak significant relation to preeclampsia.


Preeclampsia; Vitamin D; Pregnancy women
