
Corresponding Author

Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Elshaarawy

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Despite the fact that COVID-19 mostly damages the lower respiratory system and presents as pneumonia in humans, Several people with COVID-19 also show variable degrees of liver impairment. There are numerous factors that lead to liver damage in the setting of COVID-19. Aim & objectives: The aim of this study it was important to find out relation to liver function to explore the pattern of liver enzymes alteration in new corona virus disease and monitoring this alteration along the disease course. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective study were included patients with Covid-19 infection. All procedures followed Al-Azhar University Ethics Committee regulations. Results: There was significant decrease (improvement) in AST, ALT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and GGT 2 weeks after admission and 2 weeks after discharge compared to their levels at admission (p0.05). Conclusion: Liver dysfunction was present in a high proportion of hospitalised COVID-19 patients.


liver enzymes; new corona virus disease; COVID-19.
