
Document Type

Original Article


Background: The acceleration of endometrial maturation and the inducement of ovulation are both essential components of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In anovulatory women, the use of oxytocin (OT) to stimulate ovulation is a treatment option worth considering. Oxytocin is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body and is generated by the reproductive organs that include receptors for the hormone.

Aim of the work: Is oxytocin effective as human chorionic gonadotrphins in triggering of ovulation after induction with clomid ?

Patients and methods: This randomized controlled research was performed at Al-Azhar University's Hussein Hospital's Obstetric and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic. The study was conducted on 200 women undergoing induction of ovulation. All women was distributed into two groups as follows; Group A: including 100 women receiving CC 100 mg for induction of ovulation and was given 10000 IU of HCG for triggering ovulation and Group B: including 100 women receiving CC 100 mg for induction of ovulation and were given oxytocin 5 IU for triggering ovulation.

Results: There is no statistically significant variance amongst participants who received oxytocin and those who received HCG as regard the number of ruptured oocyte and day 8 progesterone levels.

Conclusion: Oxytocin is as effective as HCG, its adverse effects are diminishing, it is more readily available as a medication in stores, its bioavailability is superior to that of HCG, and its price is more affordable for the individual receiving it.


Oxytocin; Chorionic gonadotropin; Ovulation

Subject Area

Obstetrics and Gynecology
