
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Vitiligo is the leading cause of skin depigmentation. This disorder is characterized by persistent, acquired depigmentation due to a loss of melanocyte activity. Aim of the study: The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether or not topical tetracycline can improve the efficacy of excimer light in the treatment of vitiligo. Results: The most common affected sites were the face (7 patients, 23.3%) and knee (6 patients, 20%), followed by the elbow (4 patients, 13.3%), while the least affected sites were the abdomen, chest, and neck (2 patients at each site, 6.7%). Axilla, breast, foot, hand, leg, thigh, and wrist were affected in 1 patient (3.3%) for each site. Also, there was a statistically significant difference (p-value = 0.002) among the right and left sides according to satisfaction rate, VASI score, and VETI score.

Conclusion Our study confirmed that vitiligo can be effectively treated with a combination of topical Tetracycline & excimer light. The combination of topical tetracycline and excimer light is statistically significant as regards response during sessions according to the Vitiligo Extent Tensity Index (VETI) score, patient satisfaction, and improvement in VASI score after 12 weeks of treatment for vitiligo.


Vitiligo; Vitiligo Extent Tensity Index; tetracycline.

Subject Area

