
Corresponding Author

Amira Mahmoud Ahmed Foad

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The most prevalent reason teenage females see doctors is for gynecologic issues. The prevalent gynecologic issues in this demographic, such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abnormal vaginal hemorrhage, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases, must thus be addressed by doctors who treat teens.

Aim and objectives. to detect and knowing the teenager’s Gynecological and Obstetrical problems in the Upper Egyptians perspective.

Subjects and methods: At Sohag Teaching Hospital, the department of obstetrics and gynecology performed this research on 400 patients separated into five groups based on demographic information. History taking, clinical examinations, blood tests, and ultrasonographic evaluations were performed on all patients.

Result: There was high statistically significant relation between disorders and both age and education.

Conclusion: Menstrual issues are the most frequent cause of gynecological OPD consultation in teenage females. Before assuming that bleeding issues in teenagers are a natural physiological transition, it is appropriate to evaluate these issues. Although only around 5% of patients in the gynecological outpatient department are teenagers, the treatment of their particular gynecological disorders in terms of presentation, diagnosis, and management is crucial for their future reproductive health.


adolescent girls; gynecological problem; menstrual disorders.
