
Corresponding Author

Eslam Ahmed Yousif

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy (TOP) before fetal viability, regardless of the method used. It has been shown that using misoprostol alone to medically end an abortion in the second trimester is successful. Aim and objectives: The purpose of the research was to assess the impact of intramuscular dexamethasone on the length of induced second trimester abortion in pregnant women between the ages of 16 and 24 weeks of gestation. Patient and methods: From January 2020 to May 2021, this research was conducted in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Qena General Hospital and Qus Central Hospital. A total of 200 pregnant women consented to participate in this research and they were selected from the emergency wards. All women considered for this study were in the second trimester at gestational age from 16 to 24weeks, who were planned for medical induction of abortion. These inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to recruit women. Result: most of cases (94.5%) and (98%) at two groups respectively were Satisfied, there was statistical substantial variation between groups as regard to satisfaction. Conclusion: the administration of dexamethasone intra- muscularly (12 mg every 24h) with the medical induction of abortion by misoprostol (200 mcg intra vaginally every 4hr) appears to be effective as regard shortening the induction-abortion interval (duration between the initiation of induction and expulsion of fetus), reducing the overall misoprostol dosage and the duration of the hospitalization. Its cost effective and availability are apparent benefits


Corticosteroids; Induction; Mid-Trimester; Abortion
