
Corresponding Author

Rezk, Mohamed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: The usage of intraovarian platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to enhance ovarian functioning in females having poor ovarian response (POR) or primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) has recently been reported. Aim and objectives: The goal of this research is to see if intraovarian injections of autologous PRP can lead to ovarian rejuvenation as well as folliculogenesis reactivation in females suffering from premature ovarian insufficiency. Subjects and methods: This prospective controlled study on 50 infertile women suffering from premature ovarian insufficiency was conducted at the obstetrics and gynaecology department of Al Azhar University hospitals. Inclusion criteria: Women under the age of 40 who have at least one ovary, have been infertile for more than a year, have had at least one previous unsuccessful (or cancelled) IVF cycle, or have had amenorrhea for at least 3 months, and have a raised follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level (> 25 IU/l), measured at least twice, 4 weeks apart. Exclusion criteria: Women older than 40 years. Ongoing malignancy. Chronic pelvic pain. Result: The mean total number of follicles at first month was cases was 1(±0.06 SD) with range (0-2), at second month was 1.32(±0.65 SD) with range (0-3) and at third month was 2.5(±0.4 SD) with range (1-3). Conclusion; Finally, in poor responders, intraovarian injection of autologous PRP may be regarded as an additional therapy strategy. However, before clinical trials can begin, the safety and effectiveness of this new treatment technique, as well as its short- and long-term side impacts, must be examined in more high-quality studies.


platelet-rich plasma; intraovarian infusion; ovarian rejuvenation; ovarian reserve
