
Corresponding Author

Fahmi, Mohammed

Document Type

Original Article


Background: Synthetic cannabinoid usage is on the rise around the world, and it has become a huge global health issue. Previous studies showed a relationship between synthetic cannabinoids and cognitive function decline either after acute or chronic usage. Aim of the study: The present study aims at comparing between natural and synthetic cannabinoids effect on cognitive functions in a sample of Egyptian patients. Subjects and methods: Thirty patients using synthetic cannabinoids with or without cannabis and 30 patients using cannabis were included in the study. Montreal Cognitive Assessment was used to test cognitive functions. Results: Impairments in attention, language, orientation, abstract thinking, visuospatial and executive functions were observed in patients using synthetic cannabinoids with or without cannabis and were significantly higher than in patients using cannabis alone. Conclusion: Synthetic cannabinoids and cannabis both cause cognitive dysfunction and when cannabis abusers add synthetic cannabinoids to cannabis, it causes more cognitive dysfunction. According to the findings of this study, future research should focus on evaluating each cognitive domain with more extensive test batteries and supporting these assessments with brain imaging studies.


(Synthetic Cannabinoids; cannabis; Cognitive functions)
