
Corresponding Author

Khalil, Mohamed

Document Type

Original Article


Background; COVID-19 pandemic made all healthcare providers and the general public have to wear masks and other personal protective methods, so they are vulnerable to personal protective equipment -related adverse skin reactions. Aim and objectives; the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of prolonged use of facial masks in induction or exacerbation of facial dermatoses, in the era of Covid-19 among Egyptian population. Subjects and methods; This study was a cross-sectional study that was carried out at the outpatient clinics of dermatology and venereology departments of Al Hussein and Sayed Galal hospitals Al Azhar University Cairo from June 2021 to December 2021. Result; There were 154 (30.8%) who felt itching, there were 55 (11%) who felt dryness, there were 59 (11.8%) who felt erythema, there were 54 (10.8%) who felt indentation, there were 139 (27.8%) who noticed skin lesions which were as following: acne and flare of acne (16%), contact dermatitis(4%) seboroeic dermatitis and flare of seboroeic dermatitis (3%) ,flare of gram negative folliculitis(3.8%) , and flare of rosacea (1%). Conclusion; The prevalence of face mask related facial dermatoses during COVID-19 pandemic was 27.8%. The most frequent one was acne. There was statistically significant relation between adverse skin reaction and age, sex, occupation, duration of daily use of mask, mask type, reuse of masks and use of moisturizers. Keywords; facial masks; COVID-19 pandemic and facial dermatoses.


Facial masks; COVID-19 pandemic and facial dermatoses
