
Corresponding Author

Sahloul, Mohamed

Document Type

Original Article


Abstract Background: Labor induction is commonly used in United States as obstetrical technique. Absence of favorable cervix leads to decrease in success of vaginal birth . Aim of the Work: increase success of the induction process to decrease Cesarean section rate worldwide and particularly in Egypt, where Misoprostol (rather than Dinoprostone) is commonly used with induction of labour. Patients and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was performed at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Said Galal Hospital – Faculty of Medicine, Alazhar University). The trial enrolled 180 healthy pregnant women who attended for pregnancy termination . All of the participants signed their informed consent to take part in the trial . Women were divided amongst 3 groups as follows, (using vaginal douche pumps): Group A: took a vaginal douche of 100 ml normal saline solution (NaCl 0.9%). Group B: Took a vaginal douche of 100ml sodium bicarbonate 5% solution. Group C: took a vaginal douche of 100ml acetic acid 5% solution. Results: On induction with Misoprostol, douching the vagina with acid had the best results, with Group C taking the shortest time (20.46 hours) to reach active stage of labour, followed by Group A (21.45 hours), and finally Group B. (22.59 hours). With a P-value of 0.013, the difference between the groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: Washing the vagina with an acidic solution appears to enhance Misoprostol's effect in inducing labour in full-term pregnancies, as evidenced by the minimal mean time to obtain active labour stage.


misoprostol; Induction of Labour; full-term pregnancies; vaginal pH
